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Genealogy Updates for 03 March 2023

AccessGenealogy Alabama Funeral Home Records This page links to known Alabama Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Alabama Genealogy 1860 Mortality Schedule for Marengo County, Alabama – page 1-3 Images and transcription for pages 1 through 3 of the 1860 Mortality Schedule for Marengo County, Alabama. Pennsylvania Genealogy Grove Methodist Episcopal Graveyard, Grove, Chester County, Pennsylvania A transcription of the graves at Grove Methodist Episcopal Graveyard in Grove, Pennsylvania. Includes a history of the cemetery. Genealogy Help Blogosphere

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Genealogy Updates for 01 March 2023

This is an almost daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages, but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list!

Planting the Seeds

What Constitutes a Reasonably Exhaustive Search?

Certified Genealogist, Michael Hait, in his Planting the Seeds blog, discussed in a recent post his interpretation of what constitutes a reasonably exhaustive search in genealogy. To get the non-certified genealogists (which is most of us) up-to-speed on why this is important, let’s remember that genealogy isn’t just a hobby, it’s a science. Whenever you have a scientific field, there is usually some board which oversees that scientific field of study. That board for the field of genealogy is the Board of Certification of Genealogists or BGC. In attempting to strengthen the actual science behind genealogy research, the BGC created …

What Constitutes a Reasonably Exhaustive Search? Read More »