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Genealogy Updates for 13 March 2023

This is an almost daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list from GenealogyUpdate!


Arizona Funeral Records

This page links to known Arizona Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline.

Connecticut Genealogy

Hartford Connecticut Suburban Directory 1966

This is the 1966 directory by The Price & Lee Company of New Haven CT. It contains an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens; complete street and avenue guide, including householders, and occupants of office buildings and other business places, with telephone numbers; telephone numerical directory, plus, useful and interesting information about the city of Hartford. Contains directories for the city of Hartford and the following towns: East Hartford, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor, Bloomfield, Newington, Farmington, Glastonbury, and Rocky Hill. Free to search, read, and/or download.

Florida Genealogy

  • City of Miami cemetery records
    I stumbled upon this cemetery book while looking for something else today. It’s a little hard to read, but it contains lists of names of lot owners. Lists vary in detail and may include columns with additional information like lot, block and deed numbers, remarks, price and month. Also includes diagrams that display blocks containing lots with names and dates.

American Woodmen Records

  • American Woodmen Insurance Ledger: Index
    Index to life insurance files of insured and beneficiaries 1901 to 1907. American Woodmen’s Life was founded in Denver, Colorado in 1901 as a Fraternal Benefit Society established to provide life insurance for the “un-insurable” Black Community. The register shows in chronological order the name of the insured, “camp and state” of residence, age, name of beneficiary or beneficiaries, and their relationship to the insured. States covered in this first ledger include Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indian Territory [Oklahoma], Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington, D.C. This register represents the first of 40 ledgers. The company went out of business in 1993.